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for provided plays. Returns the data with probabilities of winning the game. The following columns must be present: receive_h2_ko (1 if game is in 1st half and possession team will receive 2nd half kickoff, 0 otherwise), home_team, posteam, half_seconds_remaining, game_seconds_remaining, spread_line (how many points home team was favored by), down, ydstogo, yardline_100, posteam_timeouts_remaining, defteam_timeouts_remaining





Play-by-play dataset to estimate win probability for.


The original pbp_data with the following columns appended to it:


win probability.


win probability taking into account pre-game spread.


Computes win probability for provided plays. Returns the data with spread and non-spread-adjusted win probabilities. The following columns must be present:

  • receive_2h_ko (1 if game is in 1st half and possession team will receive 2nd half kickoff, 0 otherwise)

  • score_differential

  • home_team

  • posteam

  • half_seconds_remaining

  • game_seconds_remaining

  • spread_line (how many points home team was favored by)

  • down

  • ydstogo

  • yardline_100

  • posteam_timeouts_remaining

  • defteam_timeouts_remaining


# \donttest{
try({# to avoid CRAN test problems
data <- tibble::tibble(
"receive_2h_ko" = 0,
"home_team" = "SEA",
"posteam" = "SEA",
"score_differential" = 0,
"half_seconds_remaining" = 1800,
"game_seconds_remaining" = 3600,
"spread_line" = c(1, 3, 4, 7, 14),
"down" = 1,
"ydstogo" = 10,
"yardline_100" = 75,
"posteam_timeouts_remaining" = 3,
"defteam_timeouts_remaining" = 3

nflfastR::calculate_win_probability(data) %>%
  dplyr::select(spread_line, wp, vegas_wp)
#> # A tibble: 5 × 3
#>   spread_line    wp vegas_wp
#>         <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1           1 0.546    0.515
#> 2           3 0.546    0.596
#> 3           4 0.546    0.638
#> 4           7 0.546    0.737
#> 5          14 0.546    0.866
# }